Thursday, June 30, 2011

Flint Hills Writing Project's Tenth Invitational Summer Institute

As I prepare for FHWP's tenth Summer Institute, I've been reflecting on what this amazing professional development experience has meant to me as a teacher, as a writer, and as a person journeying through life. Today's post will be brief, with more reflections to follow in the days to come.

I've been reading from Because Digital Writing Matters by NWP with Danielle Nichole DeVoss, Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, and Troy Hicks. In Chapter Five, "Professional Development for Digital Writing", former FHWP Co-Director Shelbie Witte, with regard to NWP's E-Anthology, notes "being immersed in the technology and being surrounded by like-minded people who care about writing give participants the confidence to take a step beyond their comfort zone." I think Shelbie's words express what the Summer Institute is all about - gathering people together who care about writing and giving them a safe place to take risks and grow.