I had been on the waiting list for this book at the Manhattan Public Library for quite some time. I was hoping to take it with me to read on the 14-hour van ride to San Antonio for the NCTE Convention in November. It was not meant to be, so I packed up several other things to read and headed south.
One of my favorite things about NCTE is the Exhibit Hall, where literally hundreds of publishers and vendors offer their books and products to teachers at discounted prices. Also present are hundreds of authors who honestly love to talk to teachers about their passion - writing books. There I have met Laurie Halse Anderson, Teri Lesesne, Lee Bennet Hopkins, and Mary Higgins Clark.
This year, I was pleased to find that Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea, would be signing his book. I assumed that I would have the chance to purchase his book at a discounted price and get his autograph in the bargain. After standing in line for about 20 minutes, I was met by a publisher representative who asked me which copies I would like. When I asked how much they were, she smiled and said, "They're free." Then she handed me a copy of Three Cups of Tea, a proof copy of the young readers edition of the book, and a proof copy of the picture book version of the story titled Listen to the Wind. I eagerly accepted all three copies, and was soon up to the table where Greg was signing. He shook my hand, asked about my students, and spent a few precious moments just visiting with me. And then he autographed my book with the word, 'Peace'.
I am enjoying very much reading this story of how he has made it his life's work to 'promote peace one school at a time'. I am also very grateful that this author, unhurried though the line was long, took a moment to visit with me about his work, and mine.
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